Mon 27 Jan
Sexy Caramel Curvy Cutie In call/Outcall Specials Professional and Safe - 21
(Memphis, Memphis and surrounding areas)
ThIs dOmInIcAn & InDiAn MaMi Is hOt & rEaDY FoR SoMe mOrE FuN cOmE GeT Me iM wAiTiNg!! - 21
(Bronx, bronx/incalls)
*So SEXY& So Real💋.*Don't Miss Out on Seeing ME.* NO Disappointments GUARANTEED* - 24 - 24
(Kenosha, Kenosha / Racine)
★【STOP SCROLLING】★ 【LateNights EarlyMornings】★ 【NOT a CLoCkWatChInG 】★ No.1 PlayMate( OutCalls 24/7 - 27
(Kenosha / Racine, ur,place...)
✋SaSsY SeXxi InDePeNdEnT🍒🍒 FrEAky👅 WhiTe GiRl💋 👅NeW Pics✋ FoRtYfiVe AvailAblE ✋💋💕 - 30
(Memphis, Raleigh area)
the best ebony chocolate in the east cost..(in and Out ) no no rush at all. 5stars - 19
Perfect mixture😘😘😘 of what you're looking for, Come see🙊🙈the tasty💋👅 Ashley!!!💦💦💦 - 20
(Kenosha / Racine, Milwaukee)
+--Randi's +-- PLAYROOM!! +---*"The Real Action takes Place!" - 27
(**out call 2 You.** / Some In call today, Columbus)
🐻🐻🐻 Lets 🐻🐻🐻 CuDdLe on🐻🐻🐻🐻 ThiiS NiCe ⚡⚡ NIgHt_🎆🎆🎆🎆🎆 - 22
(Janesville, Kenosha / Racine, Madison, Milwaukee, Sheboygan, 🐻🐻🐻 CuDdlE🐻🐻🐻LaNd🐻🐻🐻🐻🐻🐻🐻🐻)
*_*_* T H E »-(¯`❈´¯) R E A L -» T O T A L »- (¯`❈´¯) -» P A C K A G E *_* _ * - 30
* . * . * . * . * . * super duper Specials * T W O_ G I R L _S H O W S!! * new pix* . * . *
(¯`'.¸ ★ ¸.'´¯) _ SWEET __ MIND (B.L.O.W.I.N.G) __ BRUNETTE _ (¯`'.¸ ★ ¸.'´¯) - - 21
(memphis- in/oc)
Sweet an petite ❤💙ooh soo Sexy . Sophia❤💙 new pics❤💙in an Outcall dz - 26
(Memphis, incall.east desto west downtown casino)
SeXXY►#❶CaLL NoW⎝◕ ‿ ◕⎠ SupEr ThIck [ ❤❤][✔CuRVy BiG BOOTY ](¤1OO% ReAL 1OO%HoT)(✔CLiCK HeRe - 24
(Bronx, Bx - Whiteplains rd)
Steph HOTT n Freak Slim Mami 💋 😘💋🍆🍆🍆Bronx inCalls Only 347-367-4986😘❤️❤️🍆🍆 - 19
(Bronx, Bronx Uptown)
*(SpecialS 60&80 ¯`'•.¸. S E X I E S T ¸.•'´¯) I N T H E (¯`'•.¸C I T Y ¸.•'´¯)* - 23
(Memphis, Memphis,tn)
~¦~ Make Saturday morning Shine w/ Sweet Cynthia ~¦~ **** #1 5Star-Foxxy 832-493-7303 - 24
(Houston, Galleria, downtown)
💜Loree-Mature Milf! INCALL ONLY! Hh 100 Roses. All day! - 47
(Columbus, Columbus South-Private Home)
💎Mercedes💎 🌴Visiting From MIAMI🌴$100 $pecial ⏰ẠVẠłŁẠBŁẸ🌹 ₦Ø₩⏰ 💋🍯JUiCy [[BiiG BOOTy]9173823350 - 23
(Memphis, 🏪🏨 INCALL $100-SE Memphis American Way)
💛💙💜💚❤London 💛(100% NEW PICS ) 💙 Freaky & Stay Ready 💜💚$80 Specials ❤ (901)236~8186 💛💙💜💚❤ - 24
(Memphis, Incalls &Outcall; Serious Inquiries Only)
°°° La Mas MEJoRES ESPeCiALeS De La noche!! ••• Try A BILINGUAL mamacita ToDaY!! °°° $80!!! - 22
____Kinky SEXY Hott Azz Zoey ------- Ready Anytime ___ Real & Reviewed ___ Memphis Best Right HERE - 24
(Memphis, millington tn,west memphis ar,lakeland)
💙❤💛S U P A 💙❤BoooOOOOty 💜💛💚 I N CALLZ ❤💙EIGHTY EIGHT @JAY ❤ 💙 💚 💛 CAPTAIN ❤💙💛💜💚💚💛💜💚💛💜💛💛💜❤💙💛💜❤💙 - 23
(Bronx, BRONX INCALLS ONLY ❤ 💜 💜 💛 💙❤💜💛�)
ms.berrie$sexy busty ~curvy~small BBw√100%pics 40 80 100 MorniNg specail$ - 24
(Bronx, 225 Broadway ( incall ONLY))
~~~Lady blue eyed Angel~~~Upscale Provider~~100% Clean/Drug Free - 25
(Memphis, Memphis Tennessee/Tunica casino area)
*~*I've got everything you've been looking for and oh sooo much more!*~*Cum give me a try...*~* - 22
(Memphis, TN and surrounding areas)
Jackson, Tn!!! Not here long!! $$Thick.. Sexxy.. Classy... $Cocoa$ **NewPics** - 27
(Memphis, Memphis; Jackson, Tn & surrounding areas)
✿•✿•✿•✿ (((HOT))) • (((NaUgHtY))) •((( NEW )))• ((( SEXXXY )))• (((BLONDE )))•✿•✿•✿•✿• - 21