Mon 06 Jan
👯👯👯 Satisfying😘 And Pleasuring 💦Body Rubs && Massages 😍Lets Have A Good Time - 22
(Milwaukee, Milwaukee Silver Spring Area)
SPECIAL brew with TWO ♡ join me & Savannah 4 a stiff cup & a tasty treat ♡ ☆♡ 414 630 5145 - 35
(Kenosha / Racine, Milwaukee, near airport)
** Come Play With Candy 🍭🍭 Available Now 🍭Incall Only 🍭🍭50hhrSpecials🍭 - 20
(Milwaukee, Milwaukee ; Surrounding Areas;Incall)
Blonde & Cute Bombshell! Mature!! Slim & Busy! Amazing Service! - 22
(La Crosse, Madison, Milwaukee, Sheboygan, Wausau)
:*:• •:*:A_b_S_o_ L_u_T_e _L_y ௵ P _e_R_F_e_C_t_ ௵E_x_O_t_I_c௵ C _o_M_p _ A n_I_ o _N:*:•80 80 80 80 - 24
(Kenosha / Racine, Gurnee InCalls)
60$ specials NEW PICS!!!! Great reputation for Real pics!!! Satifaction guranteed!!!! - 22
(Kenosha / Racine, Highway 20 Racine)
Best Service in Town - 19
(Ames, Cedar Rapids, Des Moines, Dubuque, Fort Dodge, Iowa City, Mason City, Quad Cities, Sioux City, Southeast Iowa, Waterloo, anywhere you want me!)
Chocolate, Juicy, Sweet and Pierced beauty ready for you. - 22
(Quad Cities, davenport and all surronding areas)
🔲L A T I N A 🔲🔲 🔲🔲 🔲🔲 L A T I N A🔴 🔲🔲🔃🔃🔲🔲 HOT 🔲🔲 🔲 TROPICAL 🔲 🔲🔲BEAUTY🔃 - 22
(Janesville, Kenosha / Racine, Madison, Milwaukee, TaSte ❤ ❤The TropiiCs💅💅💇)
💋💋Come Explore Your Fantasy With Me Your Dream Girl💋💋 outcalls❤ incalls available now - 21
(Kenosha / Racine, Racine)
I Aim 💘2 Please & Suitable For ALL Your Needs! Your Satisfaction is My Pleasure 🍒🍒 - 22
(Kenosha / Racine, Racine/ Kenosha outcalls only)
*¨¨*-:¦: THE *-:¦:-*EBONY *-:¦:-* BOMBSHELL*¨¨* U -:¦:- ALWAYS -:¦:- WANTED - 24
(Quad Cities)
~New Pics~ Exotic Mesmerizing Golden Goddess Stephanie come play 5632094183 - 28
(Quad Cities, Quadcities incalls only)
New for all of you!!! 75$ special! Brittanii is ready to play all day and night;-) Call now - 20
(Quad Cities, quad city area)
☆ MiSs MaLlOrY☆SwEeT☆ HOT☆ BLONDE ☆New PiCs☆ $50 hh $100 hr InCaLl SpeCiAl! - 25
(Quad Cities, Davenport (incall only))
(( *EXTREMELY HOT* ))——(( *KiLLER BODY* )) ——(( *SEXY SHAWNA )) ——(( *80 SPECIAL* )) - - - 35
(Quad Cities, incalls only !)
•♦•★™ Gentlemans Choice →★•♦• Great Specials.. New Number - 21
(Quad Cities, Waiting 4 you quad cities)
Juicy💦Tight😉Pink😻Perfect Body👍🏽Sofe Lips💋EveryThing You Need To Relax Your Mind💦👅 - 20
(Milwaukee, Your Place)
Super Sexy Petite Freak AVAILABLE NOW **$100 ** Limited Time ONLY!!! ~~ - 19
(Milwaukee, Racine, Kenosha)
Sinfully* Soothing* Full* Body* Massage!!
(Appleton / Oshkosh / FDL, Eau Claire, Green Bay, Janesville, Kenosha / Racine, La Crosse, Madison, Milwaukee, Sheboygan, Wausau)
Sun 05 Jan
💋Sensational Sarah💋 I'm Back & Ready For YOU !! 💦💦😜😜 - 21
(Milwaukee, South Milwaukee & Surrounding Areas)
*****Looking for NEW company... CALL ME NOW !!! ***** SPECIALS ****** - 23
(Milwaukee, Surrounding Milwaukee Area)
•☆• MS. V ○☆○ Bootyful juicy italian ○☆○ super throat☆○☆ specials - 23
(Milwaukee, near donwtown milwaukee/ in & out calls)
Youth Fountain ....... Exciting Brunette **** Ready Now **** No Games !!!!! Caucasian Twist !!!
★*° GeT iT uP*° ☆'PRFCT PL@¥M@T` ° ★' ((ULTiMÅT iNDULGNC)) DIVE IN - 24
(Milwaukee, ★°*★CANT SLEEP? IM UP LATE)
Great 4 hand /Fantasy Fetish Or Feather Prostate Massage Specials!!!! - 33
2 Girl Special. Sister's!! Real& ready. Lets make your fantasies A Reality!414-388-0764 - 24
(Milwaukee, S.77th st National Ave. Milwaukee)
Spoil your self.. 100% real .. Non rushed... Call now! 414 881 5282 - 36
(Kenosha / Racine, Milwaukee, Near On The Border gentlemen's Club)